Sunday, October 19, 2008

The mystery of Human relationships.

I sorta abandoned my blog for a while. I got some negative feedback and it made me consider deleting it but I decided that it wouldn't be in my best interests because there are so many things I want to share and delve into (insightfully) that deleting my only outlet (currently) would be bad. So the update is that I am puppy sitting this weekend. Hanna was just fixed and so she needs to be monitored so that she doesn't bite out her stitches. I took her with me to get my dinner yesterday and walked her through this sketchy little strip mall by the house to pick up my order. Literally in and out and some old lady working at some totally random hotdog and hamburger crap stand started yelling at me for bringing her in, even though I was no where near any food places and wasn't sitting in to eat or and out with my order. I can't leave her alone in the car because she is a destroyer and last time I did that she ruined my sunglasses and a pair of pants and the interior of my car. Anyway I was in no mood to heed this old German yelling lady so I just ignored her"you can't bring that animal in here you know,...HEY, no dogs in here, you hear!? " whatever. Not to mention the weirdo homeless look-a-like who asked to pet her....some huge kid in a dirty hoodie and looked hocked up on something. He asked her name and I told him Hanna and he was like "I always find it funny when people give their dogs human names..." shut up you psycho. What constitutes a human name!? He was probably named cody or something and I would tell him that is the name of a hound. Jerk. lol.
I like to bring attention to the random things that happen and that I hear. I was at work and my coworker and I were watching this man on the front lawn with this HUGE pole with a little basket on the end of it...scraping the fungus off the trees and laying it gently on the ground only to put it in his truck after he had collected enough mushroomy things. We thought he might of been working for the government and was testing the trees for contamination or something but he was in a civilian vehicle. So finally we had enough and I asked my coworker to ask him was he was doing....apparently he was collecting this 'elf ear' muchrooms to eat...said they were good eatin if you cooked em properly. lol No thanks. You can have your tree fungus.
Did you hear about the guy that is trying to get out of paying child support because he said he played no part (willing) in the making of the kid and woke up after his girlfriend had been screwing him in his sleep. I dunno- if you ask me, I think the act of ejaculation requires some sort of mental awareness. They say sex is 50% in your who knows.
In closing. I have been baffled my entire life about how human relationships are created and nurtured and never quite got it. I realize now that I have been giving them too much credit. Relationships are made stronger over such silly things- relating over a book you liked...laughing at a movie together. These little events build foundations of relationships....not just romantic ones, but family relationships. My family and I came closer over a book we passed around between us and discussed it..... I think I am bitter that it was so easy long it lasts, I don't know....but I feel like I wasted a lot of time on the excuse of not knowing how.....

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