Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Misplaced confidence and the hotness factor.

Over this past year of my life I have come to realize that there is truly a social order in the way things play themselves out in social situations- most prominantly at the bar. In fact I have developed some theories and termonology to support these findings. I like to call 'The Hotness Factor' the order in which people are free to move about the bar, get first dibs for dance space and a way to predict scuffles if and when people ignore The Hotness Factor.
Let me explain:You are in the bar and you are trying to shoulder your way through acrowd when the hottest girl you have ever seen is trying to do the same thing and you unwittingly yeild to let her pass and watch her and her equally good looking friends move to the center of the dance floor where it is busiest and yet there seems to be a space opening up for them...THIS is the hotness factor. Both male and female must yeild space and movement and even their pickup goal (being a person they have eyed all night) to the person of the same or opposite sex who is better looking. When people don't follow these rules fights break out....these beautiful people recognize it as their right to pass and if you don't let them, you get shouldered and nudged until tempers flare. Secondly there seems to be a unwritten and unsaid ranking of people who shouldn't or cannot move out of their rank when trying to go for their pickup 'goal' for the night. For instance you NEVER see the dogfaced girl going for the hottest guy in the bar- THAT would be misplaced confidence and she will either be laughed at, humoured for a short period of time, or shot down immediately. Bars and similar institutions don't care about how charming or funny people is visual ranking (mainly because the music makes it too diffucult to have a real conversation).
To test my own theories (which I have been developing for years) I have breached norms. My last excursion to the bar I approached a top ranking guy- probably the hottest guy in the bar. Now I am no dog faced girl, but I know I am not a top ranking female- and after a very short and awkward conversation, this guy left to go dancing- humouring me with a "hey, if you see me on the dancefloor, grab me and we'll have a dance"....Similarily, in my younger years (and in peterborough where top rankers are more of a rarity) I exsisted amongst the best of the top ranks and often test then hotness factor when moving about the the point where girls would grab their girlfriends and pull them out of our way if they saw us comming...even bar lineups were yeilded to the best. Much of this happens unconciously- our reactions and presupositions to what is going on around us...There are the odd people who don't understand or maybe blately disregard this order, but they tend to get pegged as weirdos or creepers (that gross guy who always tries and dances up on the best lookin girl at the bar) or (that girl in trappers who looks like she's on crack dancing on the speakers making eyes at everyone she sees). Anyway, next time you go to the bar- look for some of these orders and factors....and maybe help me develope them further (or feel free to argue)....but maybe I will write a book if I do enough 'case studies' ;)

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