Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wave at the Heat Wave!

‘Record breaking heat wave’ was the headline for this morning’s newscast. I refuse to let myself complain because for as long as I can remember, May 2-4 was always rainy, cold, buggy and miserable.

This weekend was beautiful. Saturday and Sunday had overcast moments, but Monday was unreal. I am completely sunburned all over my body and loving it! As a surprise, my parents bought a brand new Yamaha Wave Runner for our family. It was an absolute blast. It runs fairly quiet and has enough power to tow us around the lake on tubes and anything else we can find. We attempted using a foam block and a blow up raft (but they both failed miserably).
On top of that, everyone bought fireworks and together we created a professional-grade display. It went on for a couple of minutes and was outstanding in a perfectly black sky, with no light pollution to stunt the show. Unfortunately there was no one on the lake to show it off to, except a couple of canoeists camping on an island, but I somehow think they weren’t overly appreciative of our late night antics.

We stayed up to the early morning, just the six of us around the bonfire, roasting giant marshmallows and listening to the radio while draining the car battery. These are the things you resort to when you only have propane power at the cottage. There was lots of food, a fully stocked bar and even some specialty tequila to spice up the evening…and the morning.
I finally started writing my book.

I only have four or five pages, but it’s a start. It is amazing when you finally start doing something you have been dreaming about doing, it sort of sucks the fun right out of it.

For my sisters wedding I am required to get a spray tan,....and in my experience: So for the nex four weeks it is tanning, eating right, teeth whitening and crunches....maybe. Until next time loyal blog readers....if there are any.

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