Tuesday, April 12, 2011

All the SOMETHINGS and MORE...

Something I am concerned about:
My hair is falling out. In handfuls and clumps. In the shower my hair clings to the tile wall like little snakes and they slither down the drain by the dozens. I looked up what could be causing it and the results were staggering. It would be as simple as a hormone change or as complex as a vitamin deficiency. I have started taking my multi vitamins again just in case. My hair is too thick to be manageable on the best of days and so I am hoping this isn’t a case of ‘be careful what you wish for’.

Something I am happy about:
Spreading Blog-Love. I have several friends and acquaintances that have taken up the art of blogging and it warms my heart. I am under no illusions that my blog is eloquent, but I am finding that some of my friends have a true gift of the gab and I am really enjoying gaining insight into their world.

Something I am looking forward to:
Cottaging! Construction is almost complete on my partner’s cottage. I am excited because now I have two cottages to visit this summer and they are both so different! I can really take joy in the diversity of cottage life for the next four months. One is rustic and isolated and quiet and gritty and log cabin paradise and the other is air conditioning, flushing toilets, leather couches and pure urban delight in busy cottage country. I can almost taste the BBQ splendor…

Something I am angry about:
Politics! I am going to state a social taboo right now: I have never voted (GASP!). I am not entirely ignorant to the goings on in politics. I took at LEAST 3-4 politics courses in university. I understand how the system works and the general platforms adopted by each of the parties in our government. However, I find it difficult to follow election leaders and listen to them bash each other and spread lies and gossip. It is like the classist version of reading tabloids. People who know all the personal conflicts and juicy bits in the lives of politicians (in my opinion) are no better than the people who follow celebrity gossip and read magazines. I do neither. I know what my political beliefs and opinions are and I know that there isn’t much point in voting. Statistically speaking, the majority of people are either Liberals or Conservatives. Just to appease Stuart, I went online and went through one of those intensive questionnaires that tells you where you stand on the political spectrum (I already knew). They show the cross sections of your opinions and give you a little diagram of where you stand. Surprise surprise, I am SMACK DAB in the middle. I am entirely a social liberal and completely a fiscal conservative. I don’t think I could have been more on the line between left and right if I tried. Therefore, does it matter if I vote Liberal or Conservative? I am going to be equally happy and disappointed if either one wins. To be honest I have a better chance of getting what I want by voting Bloq.

Something I want to try:
Photography. So few people have the opportunity to use an amazing piece of machinery like the camera my Brother In-law won as part of a Future shop incentive. This camera (let’s be honest, could make ANYONE a great photographer) is probably worth $1600.00. I KNOW I have an eye for art and composition. I am not going to turn myself into a professional or anything, I just want to take some pretty pictures. However, even I can admit that I have a tendency towards ‘clutziness’ and I imagine my sister and her husband would be nervous even letting me HOLD the camera, never mind the experimental journey I want to take it on. So I guess only time will tell if I get to explore this desire.

Something that makes me sad:
My Punta Canadian tan officially came off in my last shower. I saw it happening on my shoulders and stomach and realized I needed to stop living the dream and exfoliate. There’s no two ways about it. It’s gone. I watched it go down the drain in a stream of orangey-brown bliss. I am back to being pale me. No more exotic tan to make me seem more interesting then I really am. Sad face.

Something I am nervous about:
The time crunch for finding a new place. Our building is getting torn down in the next year or so and we have to find another place before then. Any day now, I expect to get the ‘90 days notice’ that tells us to get out. Stu and I have spent some time looking at our options in the area of yonge/Sheppard in North York and our conclusion is: there aren’t any. We have about $250,000 to spend and nothing in this area exists at that price. Even an apartment with 400 square feet and a pull down bed starts at $215,000. Looks like we will be renting some gross basement apartment from here on out.

Something I am proud of:
My lack of vices! I don’t regularly drink coffee or use workout supplements. I don’t drink heavily or participate in casual drug use. I am not addicted to anything. I don’t really need to fulfill a craving of a particular food, ever. I find it easy to diet ( I like healthy foods, but finding the will power is another thing all together). I see my friends that have to have their morning coffees or they will kill someone and it makes me happy I never indulged myself with a warm drink in the mornings.

What I am reading:
Stephen King’s The Stand .It is probably one of the very first apocalyptic books. Originally written in 1978 and was based in the late 90’s. It’s absolutely hilarious to see how someone in the late 70’s would write about the 90’s. The most astounding of all is the inflation. Gas as $1.00 a gallon, wages are still in the in the 4-5 dollar category and sometimes as low as 0.30 cents an hour. They still speak of computer and TV monitors as big tubes and colour TV as a novelty. I am struggling to see myself in this book, having lived through the 90’s and I know how wrong some of his descriptions are. But I love me some apocalypse books and will scrape my way through all 1100 pages.

What I am eating:
Uncle Ben’s Express rice; vegetable medley flavour. I love any meal that takes 90 seconds in the microwave, costs under $3.00 and is under 300 calories for the whole thing!


Misty said...

Great post Jamie! Loved everything... even the bad parts. The hair is not something to take lightly, please get to a doctor and check it out.

I think it's funny that you are reading The Stand. I'm reading Under the Dome. Let's go to a Stephen King conference as each others dates in the future.

Hmmm... I'm wondering how to score an invite to these cottages... If I bring beef jerky for you and Stu, does that get me in?

Misty said...

BTW... I've got my fingers crossed that sis and bro-in-law let you borrow the camera. Sounds amazing, and I would love to see your pics. I bet you are a natural!