Tuesday, December 22, 2009
When it Rains, it Pours!
1. My credit card got entered into an Internet Scam and now the CC company thinks I owe them $70.00 which is collecting interest and I have to take time out of my life to write a letter and gather evidence to get rid of the charges.
2. I spilled a cup of water on my alarm clock and it stopped working. I love it because it was an ipod dock with dual alarm features too...
3. I put a rental truck on my Credit Card for work and we ended up not needing it!
Good thing: When I took my alarm clock in for warranty repairs, they had a black one just sitting there and said I could just take it!
1. When I got the alarm clock back to the house and set it up...it isn't exactly the same radio....it doesn't work with my ipod and the face plates aren't the same colours as my last one :(
2. My car started making a grinding noise so I took it to Can Tire for service and it turns out I needed all new brakes all around, new routers, new callipers......$600.00 later....
3. I had the worst day ever at work....no details needed! Stu is unemployed and we are having money trouble during Christmas.....while having for fork out cash for my stupid shitbox of a car...
Good thing: Stu liked his coat I got him for his birthday and I was so worried he wouldn't like it. I also feel I had a successful Christmas shopping season...good gifts all around...
1. At Stuart's B-day party I had a bad bout of drinking and became drama girl & I broke my glasses- nough said. Ok....well, worst hang over of my life too...lol
2. Nothing fits me right now....everyone wants to wear pretty Christmas outfits this time of year but it is hard when you are stretching your wardrobe....literally.
3. Still waiting on the third. I will keep you posted......
Ok and the chronicles continue.....Number 3..... A BIIIGGG number THREE is that my car broke down. My year of car has a glitch in the passlock system where the fuel injection is disabled because it thinks it is being stollen. So my ignition cyllinder needs replacing.
Good thing: I got my christmas bonus! Yay!!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Readers Digest.....or Digested by Readers.
Every year I wish I had started my Christmas shopping earlier…I think if I could just dedicate some time to clicking around on E-bay I could get everyone what they wanted and have it shipped right to my door step. As it is, you have to leave yourself at least two months to allow for shipping and complications. This year I am only just starting to shop now, in mid December, just like last year and the year before. This is when prices are highest and stock and choices are lowest. So despite the shipping dilemma, I still did the majority of my purchases online. They are local stores with a 2-3 day shipping promise, so my fingers are crossed. I mean, who has time to honestly navigate through the crowds and parking lots when they have jobs and gym requirements and social obligations.
So I have been reading a lot of books in the past 6 months. I found a way to integrate reading into my workouts. I have figured out how to read and jog at the same time without tripping over my feet. Here is the list of some of the books I have read post Twilight Saga in the past 6 months (in no real order):
Sophie Kinsella- Remember me?
Patrick Ness- The knife of Never Letting Go
PC Cast- House of Night (series)> Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted, Tempted…(to be continued)
Charlaine Harris- Sookie Stackhouse (series)> Dead Until Dark, Living Dead in Dallas, Club Dead, Dead to the World, Dead as a Doornail, Definitely Dead, All Together Dead, From Dead to Worse, Dead and Gone, A Touch of Dead (…to be continued)
Cassandra Clare-The Mortal Instruments Trilogy>City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Bones
Libba Bray- Gemma Doyle Trilogy>A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, The Sweet Far Thing
Scott Sigler- Infected, Contagious
Richelle Mead- Vampire Academy (series)> Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow kiss, Blood Promise…(to be continued)
Kathy Reiches- Devil Bones
Richard Matheson- I am Legend
Jodi Picoult- My Sister’s Keeper
L J Smith- Dark Visions
Joy Fielding- Heartstopper
Sherilyn Kenyon- Acheron
Cormac McCarthy- The Road
That is 37 books and I know for a fact that I missed a bunch, because I either lent them out and can’t remember their names to ask for them back (ie. they are never to be seen again), or I left them at the gym or managed to ruin them while reading in the bath. Yes I do that. With wet fingers. I am a book ruiner. My books always look like they have weathered a damn storm. In fact it annoys me when people keeps their books looking so pristine…with stiff spines and crispy pages. Books should be loved and abused. Stuffed into knapsacks and left open on the nightstand to the page you left off on. So I am averaging a little over 6-7 books a month (if I count the ones I can’t remember). Which is a little less then 2 books a week. That sounds about right. I don’t exactly relish the fact that I read at super-speed. It costs me a lot of money and gives me a short attention span. It means I finish a book and then right away I need something different to read and consume. It is sort of like a fire…it spreads and consumes every book in my line of vision.
Anyway, I thought since I am so well read, I might as well review a couple of them. Then I decided I don’t have the patience for that…so I will drop a couple lines, but nothing worth publishing. I like reading what is classified as ‘teen fiction’ because the characters are easy to understand and rarely deal with the politics of adult fiction. Just the fun stuff, like drama, flirting, polygamy, danger and other teenage anx.
So if you liked twilight, then I’d recommend the House of Night Series- which consequentially was ripped off by Rachelle Mead’s Vampire Academy. They both essentially are about a vampire finishing school. There are good and bad vampires…the similarities between these books are remarkable. In fact, I don’t know how there isn’t a lawsuit somewhere between these two Authors. The bad guys are both dead ‘red’ vampires. The young good vampires control and harness the power of the elements. The main female vampire in both series controls ‘spirit’; a rare and powerful element. They both have a friend that is intuitive to them. One sees visions, one feels emotions. They both play the Field and have more then one boyfriend. The bottom line is, they are both good, but the storyline copying will DEFINITELY frustrate you.
Ok, now to get away from the childish junkfood reading. I recently read Cormac McCarthy's book- The Road, which has also been made into a Movie that just came out. So lucky for you, I will give you a quick review of both. The book was a dark enthralling read. It was like seeing a storyline in a poem. It is essentially the journey of a father and son in a post apocalyptic world. You never learn the source of the Apocalypse or the names of the father and son. But you learn them through their experiences, their reactions to danger and the struggle that ensues to find food and safe shelter. Needless to say, i found myself weeping while riding the bike in the gym. I finished the book in 1.5 days and it seems people has watched me because the moment I closed the book, the white haired lady beside me on the bike says "sooooo......what did you think?"
I was in such shock, still wiping the tears away I said "huh?...sorry, what?" and then she proceeded to tell me she had just finished the book and had the same reaction I was obviously having. "I wanted to see the movie" she said, "but i figured I couldn't eat popcorn or drink a big fat coke because I would be riddled with guilt..."
It's true. After reading it, I was suspicious of every person that passed me in the street and was able to appreciate the clothes on my back and the warm bed I got to climb into every night. At least for a week....
Thinking maybe I will take a break on the book reading for a while. Maybe watch more movies. I really want to see Avatar. Opens Friday......anyone wanna see it with me?
Ok, all for now, loyal blog readers.....
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
SEX and CANDY- Clean it up with Magic Eraser!
I mean, I am fairly liberal- but even I felt compelled to blush. Have you ever been on Craigslist or Kijiji and glance over the 'personals'? I mean a magazine is one thing, but you can actually post a 'looking for' ad for ....relations. On kijiji. It seems a little desperate to me. Aren't there other venues for that? I mean you can seach for a crib and toys in the same place you can look for a fellow cross dresser. Don't they say that you should never shop in a place where you can buy a wrench and a watermelon in one stop? Anyway- this is a family blog, so enough of that. And by family- I mean, I have my mother on facebook and I think she reads it. Ha ha.

Friday, November 6, 2009
The Cure for Road Rage
Air fresheners have really come a long way. I mean, do you remember the days of bathroom air fresheners when they were loud and obnoxious…or just plain noxious. Where instead of eliminating an odour they would just mix with it to create some new perfume, repugnant to the nose. I swear, I can take my late morning….cr*cough* and then spray the new fabrese air effects afterwards and it is completely silent. No “SHHHHHPPPPSSSHHHHH” sound to give the bowel movement away and no harsh after-smell that tells everyone where you’ve been and what you’ve been doing. And most importantly, when your boss walks into the bathroom immediately after you, there is no worry about whether or not he’ll know.
Yesterday was the first snow of winter ’09 and I didn’t welcome it wistfully. It froze my windshield wipers to my windshield and made any black water on the road look ominous. Really, not a fan.
Stuart however is a whole other animal. All he can think and talk about is Christmas and skiing. He loves Christmas. I expect to walk through the door one day (and I am talking November here) and our apartment will be a winter wonderland, complete with Christmas tree(s), tacky Santas, Christmas lights on every surface and wreaths and holly everywhere. Not to mention the overplayed jingles playing in every room.
I will do what I can to reign him in and at least keep it tasteful. No plastic Santas on the door and no stuffed reindeer. As for the Christmas tree- an expense that is NOT in the budget- I need to limit it to between 4-5 feet. If Stuart had his way it would be curved along the ceiling with every branch encumbered with a sparkly bobble.
I have figured out the cure for road rage. Believe it or not, it is as simple as a wave. I have found (being involved in crazy Toronto Traffic for over 6 months now) that being cut off and butted in front of by vehicles (mostly BMW’s but that is a whole other rant), that when I am entirely enraged and want to get even, all of these negative emotions are negated by a simple hand wave to the rear view mirror. It’s true, when someone merges into your lane and purposely speeds up just to get in front of you and your first instinct is to honk, you are immediately quieted by a simple black outline of a raised hand. I have adopted this technique and I find I get honked at less and am let into a lane more often simply by waving my thanks and my acknowledgement of the fact that I am being a dick.
After all this time, I am surprised by how many drivers do NOT do this. Seriously! If you have to cut me off, at least acknowledge to me that you did it, so I don’t plan your demise for the next 100 meters.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What has tread marks and two black eyes....

I remember early in the summer during the garbage strike I commented on all the road kill that was plaguing our main roadways. Since then, I have had a shock to the system and feel differently about our squashed forest friends. I was in the car with Stuart (he was driving- thank GOD) and we were on a quiet side street on our way home from dinner and WHAMMO! A huge-dog sized- raccoon waddled across the road almost directly in front of my tires. Since it is a residential area, we were only going about 40km an hour- hardly fast enough to splatter a raccoon. Instead we went over it like we might go over a speed bump. Tortuously slow and agonizingly drawn out. I remember holding my breath and looking in the rear view mirror.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Gobble Gobble it up!
It's that time again- The Markham Fair! I can't believe I have had a blog for over a year now. And I am actually sticking with it! I love fairs, but it is so easy to drop $100.00 bucks without even blinking an eye. I won my sister the stuffed black lab puppy she had been eyeing (despite our men's best efforts) and Stuart managed to win me the purple monster I had been pining after. He won it by squirting his gun in the hole and winning the race. Get you minds out of the gutter!
The funny thing about the things you win at the fair is that at the time you want them so badly, but when you get them home, you can only think of how to get it out of the public eye. What box can this go in? Now I have a purple monster sitting on my book shelf. Not exactly a designers dream.
Speaking of designers. This weekend my friend Kelsey and I did the Colin & Justins Home Heist tour through Toronto and Etobiko. We saw about 11 completely fabulously designed houses and got to meet Colin and Justin- who are equally fabulous and total Divas. They signed our books (you get them if you do the tour and the proceeds go to the Cancer Society.
I am going to attempt to cook a turkey in light of Thanksgiving. That's right. I have been assured it is not difficult if you take the simple route ie. (boxed stuffing, canned cranberries and gravy). So if I don't come home with many leftovers, I will rouse the Martha Stewart that is dormant inside me, and COOK!

With the Canadian dollar so high, I suggest everyone start buying more on Ebay. This is good advice.
That is all the random stuff I can think to write. Bye for now,...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Double Cohort THIS mutha F*#%er!
We were the first year of the double cohort. We were the guinea pigs. We were the trial run for new lesson plans and introductory courses. We had teachers that weren't sure how to teach these new concepts to us, so they kept it simple. Our 4-5 years (depending on our choice) of high school were a joke compared to what they are now. Teachers have had time to perfect the 4 year learning curve and better prepare students for more in less time. Does that mean we were expected to fail out of college and university? Cuz, no offense, I did fine. So did many of my peers. The success of person is built into their moral fibre. Their drive to succeed. Not their 'well learned skills' in high school. Ya right. I can barely remember the periodic table of elements and I knew the entire thing in high school- in a song! That I wrote! Ha!
If we are talking skills here, the most important thing I learned in high school is how to get by. It isn't HOW you deal with stress- just that you DO deal with it. Whether it is bullshitting your way out of it, rushing to complete last minute projects, or finding the all mighty doctors note- all of those skills can be applied in University. Screw organization, and time management and deadline dealing- how many University student do you know that can TRULY time manage? It is about last minute studying before exams, finding last weeks notes in a pile of food coupons, doodles and love letters, re-using old notebooks- writing on the backs of pages this time to avoid spending the five dollars for a new notebook. It is about going to class but having the good sense to know when skipping it won't hurt you too badly (except for a few scan tron questions on the next exam) or being aware that if there are presentations going on, no one will miss you and you won't miss anything.
It is about having the go ahead to get the Prof to remember your face and name,( studies have shown it substantially increases your GPA. Even when your papers don't warrant it). AND lastly, the most important thing to know to be prepared for University is that a nap between classes can save you soul and bring you to your night classes and greasy food can take the edge off a hangover.

Cheers, loyal blog readers! (Excerpt taken from toga parties and Jello shooters 101)
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Hazards of Driving...
Is it just me, or is traffic getting woooorsssee? When I first moved into my new place, (mind you it was the middle of June) my route to work would take 15-20 minutes and the route home would take 20-30 minutes. I take the 401 to the 404 and then proceed to HWY 7 in Markham. Maybe it is all the student drivers that are now back on the road since school started, or maybe the cold weather is making people drive slower, and angrier, causing more accidents. Now I feel like it takes nearly 40 minutes to an hour to go ANYWHERE.
You would think, the same people are driving the same route twice a day. So why all the accidents? All the collisions? All the turnovers? Are you not familiar with the risks of HWY driving by now? Are you not prepared for all the idiot drivers we see being honked at every day? COME ON PEOPLE! Get it together! Stop flipping your BMW’s and side swiping your Escalades and T-boning your T-Birds (ok I had to put that one in).
I’ve started being a rebel and calling people when I am stopped on the 404. Yep. I am risking it to keep myself sane. I certainly don’t have ADD, but can you imagine if I DID? OMG. I would be throwing gum at cars rolling by and making eyes at ugly old men to get a reaction. I would strike up conversation with cars with their windows down….ok I have done that….but only once or twice. As it is now, I twiddle my thumbs and sing along with the radio. But anyone who knows me well, knows I don’t have a head for lyrics and almost NEVER sing the right words. And it pisses me off when I am in a 2 line streak and screw up the last couple of words “there’s a she-wolf in your closet, open up the closet…so she…can…run”…..”dammit!” So I end up getting home angry and Stuart feels the wrath.
I have also attempted to read my book while sitting in traffic. I know, I know. But it goes like this- I am stopped. I read a line. Look up. Roll a foot. Stop. Read a line. Look up…..etc.
On an amazing note- Did you hear the one about that woman in the department store that was fed up with someone else's misbehaving child and took the liberty of spanking the child? She is being charged with assault. We have ALL been there where we wanted to intervene with the kid that is running warp speed down the isles or the screaming kid in the restaurant, or the one kicking your chair. We've all wanted to knock their block off. I applaud the woman who finally had the nerve to do it. Just last night, Stuart and I were sitting in Wimpy's and there were these two almost toddlers (about 4?) that were running up and down the restaurant and crawling all over the bar stools. They were screaming and getting filthy and I thought- If I did that when I was a kid, my mother would have fed me a line about staying on my butt or I would be "outa this restaurant so fast your head'll spin!" But I guess this generation is different.

Monday, September 14, 2009
Drowning in Taffeta & Lace Vomit

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Toilets that FLUSH!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Something worth Dreaming About
Sometimes as I fall asleep they will turn into real dreams and the characters will start making and creating and changing their own storylines. That is when I enjoy them the most. It’s like day dreaming at night with your eyes closed. I make a character- a beautiful blonde dancer who gets kidnapped and I follow her storyline until I either fall asleep and my brain either turns to something else (normally crazy zombie dreams/apocalypse) or the blonde dancer wreaks a terrible revenge all of her own.

My favourite character I ever dreamed up was a woman-like creature born of a demon and a sprite. She has retractable claws and a long lion’s tail. Ebony hair down to mid thigh and regenerating wings that span at least 10 feet on either side. She has cat-like green eyes and a single small dot for a pupil that expands when she is angry. She exists in the time of the nomads and would hunt out side of their small mobile villages. Killing their livestock and the hunters that would try to catch her. I have been imagining her adventures for years.
Recently there has been a new target demographic for books called ‘teen fiction’. The twilight series is part of it….as well as many of the other great writers of our time. It is so frustrating because it is such a narrowing category. Imagine you (being in your 20’s or 30’s) go to chapters and see a book that looks interesting- science fiction or fantasy or romance- but it is in the teen fiction section, would you pass it by? I would. It is embarrassing to loiter around a section intended for the 13-18 age group. You get the strange looks from adults AND teens in the immediate vicinity. It SUCKS. And I know that if I were to write, many of my books (as if they would ever get published), would be in the ‘teen fiction’ section.
I’ve known lots of amazing minds that would make excellent writers. One of them, my friend Dan from highschool. He even looked like a writer….tall and lanky with glasses and a thick mop of curly dark hair. Very intense. I should facebook him and ask him if he’s been published yet. It is SO hard getting published. This weekend over a couple of drinks and under the intense glow of the sun, I was discussing with friends how to go about doing it. Before even thinking about a book, you need to get some articles and small pieces in magazines- even your alumni paper- where I have already been published, but didn’t take the necessary steps to save it to add to my port folio…and you need to have 4-5 of those under your belt before you can even THINK of getting a chance with the big publishing firms.
Some of the best writers I read- Sherrilynn Kenyon- she was rejected something like 100 times before her book was finally put out there. And when you really think about it- all the hundreds of millions of books in a store…some of them will never be picked up or even acknowledged and it is heart breaking to think of all the talented writers out there that will never have their day in the sun.
I still have some kinks I would need to work out before writing a full book. I will start with a short story. I still have weird issues with ‘tense’and 'point of view'…is the narrator first person, second or some all knowing being? Is the story being told in present tense- where you discover the story as it happens or is it being told by the person who already experienced it and is telling it from the future….there are so many options I tend to flip amongst them as I write ha ha. Bad news bears.
Things I hate about driving/drivers:
I hate slow drivers that are holding up an entire line of traffic and can’t even have the courtesy to change lanes, pull over or speed up, once they look in the rear-view mirror.
I hate when drivers are so pushy that they use the merging lane (that ends) to get ahead of traffic- when they AREN’T MERGING.
I hate when drivers don’t check their blind spot and begin to swerve into you.
I HATE when you need to get into a lane and no one will let you in and they KNOW they are being assholes and they won’t look at you or acknowledge you because of it. (Perfect example- I was coming home on the 404 and needed to get into the right lane going to the 401 WEST and I was in the 401 EAST lane and had my signal on for like 4 minutes and every time I tried to move into a gap- the other cars would speed up. GAH!)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Smile! You have a ZIT!

I am going to be on a VERY tight budget for the next month or two, because of it. I can't even get a haircut. I had a small emergency fund for this very reason and lets just say that fund is now gone and then some.
Having your own house is stressful. Clothes, dust and dishes all pile up. And once you have your place the way you want it, there is nowhere for it to go from there, but down.Nevermind the fact that you can't play fight anymore. I got pushed into my expensive tree and knocked off an expensive branch bigger then my arm and head combined.
The cottage was fun this weekend. Weather sucked.....it is to be expected I guess. Last summer every weekend it rained too. I have a feeling this is the new face of summer....which looks more like spring. It is the changing weather patterns from global warming. pretty soon we will have two seasons.....one spring- one winter.....and both will be colder and more rain filled. We will be another.....Vancouver.
Thinking about getting a pug. Or Boston Terrier. Both are compact, but not the wussy dogs you see all the male body-builders in Toronto, walking. Those fru-frou dogs that are all fuzzy with little pink bows and yappy mouths. But they also aren't the slobbery rambunctious labs and mixes or Danes or Bernard's that people use to overcompensate for the fru-frou dogs.
To be honest I would prefer a cat. A prissy, independent, short haired (to allow for Stu's allergies) affectionate kitty. I swear I wouldn't become the lady that lives above us that walks her cat on a leash every morning and lets it wander the halls aimlessly, trying to sneak into new apartments every time a door opens. That HUGE fat black cat that has already attempted to sneak into my own apartment....luckily he was on a leash and his owner (Mathilda or some weird name) was able to drag him out....literally, as in he layed down and let himself be dragged out the door.
I have always been a person that tsk'd the general population for their obsession with getting old. I always considered myself above screaming and moaning over wrinkles or age spots and thought I would age gracefully.
I get it now.
I have smile lines and my skin isn't as taunt as it was 3-5 years ago and I have the strangest urge to run out and buy the most expensive skin creams Sears has to offer....but I won't. In fact, I have some Avon anti wrinkle cream that I turned my nose up at during Christmas last year and put it away and forgot about it. I have started using it with fervor and I am relieved. Not because my wrinkles are disappearing....but because it gave me zits. If I am still within a capacity to get zits then I am still young. Thank GOD!
I will take a zit any day as a reminder that my skin isn't too tired to support one. Screw you liquor store checkout person! i don't need you to ID me in order to feel young.....even if there is a dude in front of me, my age, and then you ID him and he laughs and you say it is because he has a young face, and then I am next and you just proceed with checkout without so much as a glance my way. Bitch! *cough* Ok. I am fine now.
Until next time,....
Thursday, July 16, 2009

The grossest thing about this government employee strike IS NOT the garbage piling up. Turns out it is the roadkill! That’s right! The thankless job of scraping the city’s unfortunate from our roads has gone unnoticed until now. The same dead pigeon in the MIDDLE of the turning lane is still there, even though it gets flatter every day. It is no more then a pink smear with feathers sticking out of it now, but in the beginning of the week I would cringe every time I felt the slight ‘bump’ of it going under my tire. That’s just the birds! What about the stinky skunks and poor pets gone astray? Our cats and…hamsters…..They won’t get a proper burial with the rest of the roadkill….wherever that is…and to be honest I don’t really want to know where they take all the corpses of our forest friends. Maybe it is like they do in the western coast of Canada…..where they turn the corpses of deer and moose hit by cars and turn them into hamburgers at charity BBQ’s. Take my advice, next time the lions club or rotary club throw a charity function. Don’t eat the hot dogs or burgers….could be squirrel entrails and skunk tails and kitty cat feet.
Friday, July 10, 2009
In my world Ken gave Barbie REAL flowers

Friday, July 3, 2009
A Bistro of our own

I have decided I know why marriages fail. People are getting married all around me- it must be the season of marriage. But I say, what's the rush? Make sure you truly know who it is you are committing your life to. I mean, I have been with Stuart for 6 years and we still surprise each other every day with reactions and thoughts and opinions...and as important as that is, I think it is equally important to know what you are getting into. You have to know the person you are planning on spending your life with.....your whole freakin life. Anyway, my thoughts aren't flowing....so until next time...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Dispatched into the world of 9 to 5> Boo!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
It's Trendy to be forever out of Style.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009
Home Bitter-Sweet Home

Friday, May 29, 2009
Moving UP and ONWARD...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
NOT the other woman.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
If today was your last day...
Well, I created my school mascot. The chemong Dragons are dragons because I created it....my copyrighted image is all over the school. But would anyone ever really remember that it was me that created it? If I walked through the halls today, 10 years from the time I drew it-would people point and say- there is the girl that created our dragon-esque legacy. Probably not.
I haven't written or published anything great, though I have been informally writing my autobiography since I was 12, even though the life of a preteen isn't that interesting and no one would read it. In truth, I would leave behind a couple diaries packed with ticket stubs and the half witted dreams of a girl with too much imagination....and this blog. Of course it is packed with witty banter but isn't worth much. I imagine there would be some art left behind. Sketches of the super heroes that never came to be and self portraits that couldn't be less flattering. Maybe a few nudes here and there- though there have been witnesses to my burning some of my paintings at a bonfire when we ran out of firewood and I ingeniously pulled the canvasses from my trunk for more fuel.
I guess some things only have the value that we percieve them to have- for instance a wooden frame and canvas with a nude of my boyfriend would be more valuable in the fire creating warmth then on the wall inspiring lust....not that it would....lol Sorry Stu.
This weekend I spent some time reflecting with some girlfriends about how fast life goes when you are finally ready for it to slow down. But I guess that is the way it is with life- you want the opposite of what you have- if it's straight you want curly if you are old you wish you were young, if you are fat you want to be thin, and when you are finally coming into yourself and want your twenties to stop speeding by- they seem to do just that.
I am going to think about what I want to leave behind. Perhaps a new league of women super girls, or children's picture books, a tortured 'too long' monologue about my life or a painting....beautiful paintings that are what I want to paint....unicorns and such ha ha. All for now, loyal blog readers...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
-big bathroom with tub and counter space
-lots of natural light and big windows
-open concept setup...minimal walls
-some vegitation (trees or a walking path- anything other then the cold concrete of the city.
- a gym within walking or (small) driving distance
-no fear of getting shot
- public places with free parking
-no 3 lane roads outside my front door.

I don't think it is unreasonable to get at least some..or most of that. But housing is NOT affordable and the closer you get to the Toronto core, the less you get, but for more money. Driving makes me anxious in the city and so i would prefer to be as far from toronto downtown...or uptown- as possible....but I guess when you are moving WITH someone, you have to compromise. We will see though who gets the short end of THAT compromise.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Congrats are in Order!
All these landmark events have been happening- sister is engaged, sister just turned 30 and got a house and a puppy....ok wait,...so maybe my sister has been through landmarks...But I will be getting my own place soon. I have my first semi-real job and am starting to get comfortable with my age and in my own skin.
I recently had a conversation with one of my close girlfriends about the ticking of the internal clock; when you start to feel it and how it affects your choices.
For instance, in my late teens, I couldn't get enough attention from men, I strung along as many as I could at one time, 2 boyfriends- you name it.I didn't care about what I was going to do after highschool or after university, i just expected it all to fall into place.
As you get older, you smile more at commercials with babies in them. You find yourself analyzing the real estate market and looking for deals and cracks in foundation. Instead of thinking whether or not you simply get along with your partner, you start measuring them up as a husband or wife. Their ability to provide for a family. Would he make a good father? Would she run a tight household? Tick tick tick...
I don't care how loud the ticking gets. I refuse to let myself feel rushed. I am going to take my sweet as time to make such HUGE decisions about having kids, getting married, buying furniture and such...
It's time for my NEWS update.
I feel like I can finally say to my children that "I was there when they found the source of the cure for all the worlds diseases". Just recently a lab in Toronto reported that they had a breakthrough in stem cell research. They found that they inject a normal cell with something ...scientific and they can convert it to a stem cell of their choice.,..for skin, the spine, brain etc....Stem cells regenerate and so there you go...cure for cancer and those who are paralyzed. Not only that, but they found that they can convert ADULT cells into these stem cells. That means, no more steeling from embryos. I feel like the beginning of the movie "I am legend" taking what I hear at face value and realizing that everyone is going to want to volunteer for human trials without enough R&D and we will all turn into zombies or something. Or it could just kill us. Either way, every great discovery needs casualties. I just won't be volunteering any time soon or getting any 'shots' to prevent cancer. *Shudder*. I am a little over-obsessed with zombies and diseases that will bring the apocolypse and end our existance as we know it...it will be in MY lifetime. I am convinced!
And there ya go! My clock just wound itself backwards. Cheers, loyal blog readers.