We walked around between the many isles of naughty clothing and movies and toys. We got a cupcake from a massage booth and bought a Christmas ornament to support women's cancers. (Speaking of which, my sympathies to my dear friend who just lost her mother to such a cancer). We watched some amature (fully clothed) pole dancing and then listened to girls imitate the best orgasmic experience they could. We picked up lots of reading material....not exactly coffee table top worthy, but interesting for sure! There are whole magazines out there with personal ads. Couples looking to swing, men looking to watch, women looking to join. I mean what happened to good old fashioned...sex. When did it get so complicated?
I mean, I am fairly liberal- but even I felt compelled to blush. Have you ever been on Craigslist or Kijiji and glance over the 'personals'? I mean a magazine is one thing, but you can actually post a 'looking for' ad for ....relations. On kijiji. It seems a little desperate to me. Aren't there other venues for that? I mean you can seach for a crib and toys in the same place you can look for a fellow cross dresser. Don't they say that you should never shop in a place where you can buy a wrench and a watermelon in one stop? Anyway- this is a family blog, so enough of that. And by family- I mean, I have my mother on facebook and I think she reads it. Ha ha.

Congratulations are due for my sister who finally said 'YES' to the Dress. I think dress shopping is a lot like playing the field or dating around. You see what is out there, you try a few things out. Spend a lot of time weighing the pros and cons of this one and that one, but when you find one that works- you have to STOP LOOKING!!! There is always going to be a better looking dress. One that fits you better. One that makes you feel better about yourself, but like your love life, you have to know when you are done shopping around and commit to it or you will drive yourself crazy.

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