I am going to be on a VERY tight budget for the next month or two, because of it. I can't even get a haircut. I had a small emergency fund for this very reason and lets just say that fund is now gone and then some.
Having your own house is stressful. Clothes, dust and dishes all pile up. And once you have your place the way you want it, there is nowhere for it to go from there, but down.Nevermind the fact that you can't play fight anymore. I got pushed into my expensive tree and knocked off an expensive branch bigger then my arm and head combined.
The cottage was fun this weekend. Weather sucked.....it is to be expected I guess. Last summer every weekend it rained too. I have a feeling this is the new face of summer....which looks more like spring. It is the changing weather patterns from global warming. pretty soon we will have two seasons.....one spring- one winter.....and both will be colder and more rain filled. We will be another.....Vancouver.
Thinking about getting a pug. Or Boston Terrier. Both are compact, but not the wussy dogs you see all the male body-builders in Toronto, walking. Those fru-frou dogs that are all fuzzy with little pink bows and yappy mouths. But they also aren't the slobbery rambunctious labs and mixes or Danes or Bernard's that people use to overcompensate for the fru-frou dogs.
To be honest I would prefer a cat. A prissy, independent, short haired (to allow for Stu's allergies) affectionate kitty. I swear I wouldn't become the lady that lives above us that walks her cat on a leash every morning and lets it wander the halls aimlessly, trying to sneak into new apartments every time a door opens. That HUGE fat black cat that has already attempted to sneak into my own apartment....luckily he was on a leash and his owner (Mathilda or some weird name) was able to drag him out....literally, as in he layed down and let himself be dragged out the door.
I have always been a person that tsk'd the general population for their obsession with getting old. I always considered myself above screaming and moaning over wrinkles or age spots and thought I would age gracefully.
I get it now.
I have smile lines and my skin isn't as taunt as it was 3-5 years ago and I have the strangest urge to run out and buy the most expensive skin creams Sears has to offer....but I won't. In fact, I have some Avon anti wrinkle cream that I turned my nose up at during Christmas last year and put it away and forgot about it. I have started using it with fervor and I am relieved. Not because my wrinkles are disappearing....but because it gave me zits. If I am still within a capacity to get zits then I am still young. Thank GOD!
I will take a zit any day as a reminder that my skin isn't too tired to support one. Screw you liquor store checkout person! i don't need you to ID me in order to feel young.....even if there is a dude in front of me, my age, and then you ID him and he laughs and you say it is because he has a young face, and then I am next and you just proceed with checkout without so much as a glance my way. Bitch! *cough* Ok. I am fine now.
Until next time,....
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