The grossest thing about this government employee strike IS NOT the garbage piling up. Turns out it is the roadkill! That’s right! The thankless job of scraping the city’s unfortunate from our roads has gone unnoticed until now. The same dead pigeon in the MIDDLE of the turning lane is still there, even though it gets flatter every day. It is no more then a pink smear with feathers sticking out of it now, but in the beginning of the week I would cringe every time I felt the slight ‘bump’ of it going under my tire. That’s just the birds! What about the stinky skunks and poor pets gone astray? Our cats and…hamsters…..They won’t get a proper burial with the rest of the roadkill….wherever that is…and to be honest I don’t really want to know where they take all the corpses of our forest friends. Maybe it is like they do in the western coast of Canada…..where they turn the corpses of deer and moose hit by cars and turn them into hamburgers at charity BBQ’s. Take my advice, next time the lions club or rotary club throw a charity function. Don’t eat the hot dogs or burgers….could be squirrel entrails and skunk tails and kitty cat feet.
On another note- I am not squeamish when it comes to expiry dates and it always boggles my mind when people will dump an entire carton of milk down the drain the DAY of the ‘supposed’ drop dead date on the top of the carton. Yogurt is essentially spoiled milk with bacteria in it to keep its shape. It CAN’T really get more rotten. At most it gets a little watery on the top. I still eat it…just pour it out. People psych them selves out. Just yesterday, Stu goes to pour some milk into a bowl for eggs and goes “oh no- this milk is expired” (Smells it and squishes his face all up) “eww, we should throw this out..” I take it from him. It expired that day. I smell it. Smells fine. I tell him so. He isn’t having it, so I ended up pouring it down the drain. Go figure there are no chunks, no gasoline effect (you know when it looks like it is separating..) and I am kissing my $3.99 goodbye as I watch the milk disappear.
Taking my car into the shop tonight. I am almost sad to lose the 'Ferrari- like' engine noise that makes me sound like I have a high performance vehicle. Needless to say, my car could crap out any minute. Cars are so expensive you know? I always thought as long as I got regular oil changes, tire rotations and balancing- my car would stay in good to fair condition. Not the case. I have spent thousands keeping my 2001 Grand Am BEAST on the road. Despite all of my efforts to keep it happy (even by pimping it out with a pink playboy emblem on the back window) it seems to want to die. Who know what this dealership visit will yield? Another $150 to replace APS sensors? A Thousand to replace the plug that was leaking oil into my coolant? $200 to replace the serpent belt? Getting nails taken out of my tires? (I have had to do that twice- likely a consequence of working for a developer).
All for now, loyal blog readers- off to the cottage this weekend to get some....rain. It can't be worse then last weekend. Gotta love when your boyfriend gets slapped by a stripper. Ask me about it sometime....I'd be forbidden to write about it here. lol
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