-big bathroom with tub and counter space
-lots of natural light and big windows
-open concept setup...minimal walls
-some vegitation (trees or a walking path- anything other then the cold concrete of the city.
- a gym within walking or (small) driving distance
-no fear of getting shot
- public places with free parking
-no 3 lane roads outside my front door.

I don't think it is unreasonable to get at least some..or most of that. But housing is NOT affordable and the closer you get to the Toronto core, the less you get, but for more money. Driving makes me anxious in the city and so i would prefer to be as far from toronto downtown...or uptown- as possible....but I guess when you are moving WITH someone, you have to compromise. We will see though who gets the short end of THAT compromise.
Other than "public places with free parking".... my apartment has everything you want....Only it's in Ottawa. Looks like you may have to move.
Ok, you'll definitely have to compromise on some of those options (ie. minimal walls lol) but viewit.ca has some pretty good options in Toronto! That's what I've been looking at anyway! :)
From Antonia:
Look familiar? It meets *all* of your needs (except maybe the big bathroom).
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