If you have never been a victim of road rage, I would like to advise you to refrain from using you middle finger. It brings nothing but negative responses. Christmas and holiday drivers are psychotic. They think that where they're going and what they're doing is a million times more important then whatever it is you might be doing. Recently I was travelling down Woodbine avenue and pulled out of my office road to go to the bank. Now I will firstly establish that I am NOT like many women drivers...i do NOT drive slow or fail to check my blind spots or refuse to lane change if blocking traffic. I am a fairly considerate driver. So on this unlucky day I pulled out into my lane and sped up fast to go with the flow of traffic and there was this HUGE Cube truck behind me which I feel I gave adequate room for him to not slow down....instead he spead UP and got right on my tail and honked his horn while riding my ass. Finally he swerved to the lane on my left and stayed there...and me being scared of this HUGE intimidating TUBCO (they sell hottubs) truck honking and squishing me- i of course gave him the finger and told him to fuck off in hopes he might do just that. He didn't. Instead he started swerving into my lane- Totally cutting my off and trying to run me off the road...where I would have almost possitively hit a pole if I hadn't slammed on my braked until I skidded to a stop. Needless to say, i called the company and complained...threatened legal action......Word to the wise for all meatheads...if you want to road rage, how about you ensure the name os the company you work for isn't plastered all over the side of your vehicle.
On a lighter note- I want to congratulate my best friends from Highschool, Sarah who just got married and Ashley who just had her first baby over a week ago. i couldn't be more proud of them (not to mention a little jealous). I would love to be where they are, but maybe in 5....10 years....ok maybe never.....but that doesn't mean it is great for them. I am probably just not the Marrying,...motherly....spousal type. But who knows right? Anyway,....all for now. Enjoy the holidays everyone.
1 comment:
Thanks Jamie!! :)
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