In highschool I had a core group of friends and we called ourselves GDHP each word symbolizing an aspect of our personalities. Growth, Director, Healer and Princess. I think we were so different and we complimented each others personality really nicely. Sadly we went to different Universities and lost contact. Now facebook brought us back together and I can follow 'D' through her marriage, 'G' through her pregnancy, and 'H' through her acedemic endeavors. There is a song that talks about wearing suncreen and the guy goes on to give advice about life and says that the older you get the more you will need the people you knew when you were young. I think this is so true. You never really learn to value the people that come and go until you have so few.
I will be getting my own place soon and I imagine it being a comfortable place to have people over to relax and play poker and watch movies....Christmas comes first I guess. Mom and my sister want to go on a carribean cruise for christmas...it is a break in traditiion for sure, but it might be fun to do something different. I have a hard time believing that an experience is better then material goods. Maybe because my memory is so bad I only remember pieces of my life that were really good. So is it better to give something that somone can hold in their hands? something tangible? Or is it better to give people experience that can be remembered....or forgotten. I will think about it and get back to you.
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