So I finally found the new member of my family. Her name is Sashimi and she is a red Beta. I got her at Pacific Mall (which is chaos by the way- take every bad driver in the world and put them into a single parking lot). It was sort of impromptu fish buying because I was really there to get new glasses.
After getting my eyes checked I am told that my eyes have changed significantly in ONE YEAR and that my one year old prescription is now no good. So goodbye brand new glasses (from last year) I am onto my next pair of overpriced plastic and glass. My last pair were ‘Dior’ but my new pair is ‘Prada’. I am not a name brand whore for anything but glasses. I figure they are something I wear everyday 12-14 hours a day and they had better be nice and good quality or they won’t last me a year (not that it mattered this time around because my eyes keep friggen changing). These are the glasses tho--->

Some of you are probably thinking- “why doesn’t she just get new lenses put in her old glasses?” well, because it isn’t cost efficient. Yup, that’s right- lenses by themselves cost more than frames and lenses together. I took my old Dior frames to lenscrafters and asked if they could put new lenses in them and they quoted me $340 BUCKS! But they said the lenses would be half price if I got a set of frames….and the frames are between $150-$250….so…same price with lenses! It’s a total rip off. So to PAC MALL I go to get cheap- Chinese made- goods. Same name brand, same quality…just cheap cheap cheaper! And maybe the lenses aren’t as good of quality, but I figure, as long as I can see, it doesn’t matter how scratch resistant, or anti glare they are.
So the big birthday is coming this week. It’s just so shocking to think that by this age- almost all the women in my mother’s generation had babies and were married. I am going to be 25. I am officially allowed into those ‘mature’ bars that are 25+. I haven’t been to a club in years. I am officially too old for brands like Bebe and Juicy. No more stitches or Garage. Too old. I don’t like this birthday. People couple this age with things like mortgages and car insurance and maternity clothing. I don’t want any of those. Yet.
It’s always funny when Facebook announces you have a birthday and you get birthday wishes from the most random people. People you haven’t spoken to in YEARS. However, if you DON’T get those wishes…you somehow feel emptier. It is sad to think that people saw that little reminder on Facebook Home Page and ignored it. So I hope I get lots lol. Having a birthday on a Wednesday is pretty lame. It’s hump day, which means you can pick either weekend (the one before or the one after) to celebrate. You can’t really celebrate on the Wednesday. It is still too early in the week to go ‘balls to the wall’ crazy, because the rest of the week will suffer, but it is late enough in the week, that you think you could gamble a few glasses of (whatever). I think my parents and my sister’s family is going to take me to dinner at Frankie Tomatos…some Italian joint. I am told I will be spinning ‘the birthday tomato’. Whatever that means. It will likely be a humiliating ‘attention getting’ sing song thing. I hate that. I will be as red as the tomato.
Anyway, to all those Virgo’s out there- enjoy being passionate perfectionists with a tendency towards jealousy and loyalty. Enjoy being artistic and eccentric and sexy! And HAPPY BIRTHDAYS!!!!

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