The result? My landlord posted a notice to our door, issuing a rent INCREASE come June to compensate for the new HST. Frig. I should have kept my mouth shut. Now we are faced with the Dilemma- do we stay and put up with the construction and rent increase (which is minimal- $10 bucks each) or do we leave on principal in hopes of finding another apartment with the same rent, room and location. Ya right.
While at work, I often of
fer drinks to people who come in for meetings. Most recently a glass of water to an engineer. The kitchen is not well lit. After getting the glass of water I was in the foyer and noticed (after several minutes) that the glass I had used for 'said' engineer had lipstick stains on it. The glass was clean- having gone through the dishwasher, but lipstick has the work 'stick' in it for a reason. Dilemma. Take the glass....draw attention to the fact that I mistakenly gave him a gross cup. OR- leave the glass, plead ignorance, so as not to embarrass him for drinking out of the gross cup. I had decided to take it, just as he got up, took the cup and went into the president's office. Shoot me.

I have been exposed to something called 'Post Secret' and I am fascinated. It originally started as an art project and had turned into a global phenomena! People send in secrets and confessions on post cards to this guy and he has turned them into books and a website: Reading them, you will be amazed how often you say- "Hey! me too!" and then you will laugh out loud. Some may make you cry. Either way, it will restore your faith in humanity. People feel. They notice. And I have things in common with strangers. The website will post about 10 new post secrets every Sunday. But if you join the group on Facebook(by searching post secret), you can look at post secrets dating back a couple years.
So there is a possible new car in my future. My sister can get me a lease on a 2010 Corolla for staff pricing and a low monthly fee (a little over $200 a month). But it is a bare bones model. Which means it likely doesn't even have power windows. I don't know if I could live without that. And the keyless entry. I need that...or I will lock my keys in my car 100 times over. I can live without a sunroof and leather seats. But I definately would like electric seat control. Stu and I are such different hights it would take me a half hour in the morning to adjust my seat back to me. I would also like automatic lights. Where your headlights come on, when they sense it gets dark and your dash lights up. My car has all of that is just old....and is costing me a fortune.
Tis the season. Spring is comming and it is time for showers. Not April showers, that bring May flowers, but BABY and WEDDING showers! My friend is having a baby in the summer and my sister is getting married in the summer....actually...around the exact same time. I had better start brainstorming!
1 comment:
I love PostSecret too! I have one of the books and want to collect them all... It's so interesting to read what people don't want to verbally share with others. I really like the project's concept... Anyways,
I also took too much medication for a really bad cold I have last night...haha.. except I threw up and THEN passed out... aaaaaaaand, My sister is also getting married this summer! July 24! When is Jordanna's?
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