Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Merry Christmas To ME, may I get a TV!
I personally believe that 70% of Christmas stress comes from having to buy your significant other a gift. It needs to be considerably expensive (so it doesn’t look like you cheaped out), hopefully meaningful in some way, and of course you hope it is something they need AND will like. I mean, I need a dust buster, but would I want it as a gift? No.So to spare ourselves some of the holiday stress, we have decided NOT to exchange gifts this year. Instead, we are going to split the cost of a SICK tv. We went to Futureshop to peruse their selection and I can tell you that TV’s are not as simple as you might think. No more ‘plug and play’. There are LCD’s and LED’s and Plasma’s and Hertz and refresh rates and levels of light and dark in the area where the TV will go and PIXELS! And 1080P and….I don’t even remember what else. So after an hour or so of listening to the man explain the difference and the pro’s and con’s between the models- we are no further along than when we started…now, instead of arguing about size (47” vs 50”) we are now arguing the logistics of having a plasma (better for watching sports) vs a side lit, LED monitor that has crisp picture quality, and can handle how bright our living room is. Anyway, thankfully the decision will likely come down to price on Boxing Day. The better deal wins the dough.
I had a GREAT experience yesterday in an Apple store. Last year, my parents got me an ipod touch for Christmas. From the day I got it, the power button hasn’t worked. I didn’t want to go through all the hassle of finding the warranty and asking my parents for the receipt and having to get Futureshop to fix or replace it. So I basically just accepted the fact that while my ipod was sitting in my gym bag, the battery would drain because it couldn’t be shut off. So while Stu was Christmas shopping I dropped by the apple store to see if they could fix it or had a solution (without any paperwork). To my great surprise, they took one look at my ipod and said “ok, we will just get you another one”. BAM! DONE! New ipod! Just like that! The only downside is that I had to click ‘erase ipod’ when instructed. I lost a lot of music that was from other people’s computers. Oh well, it is worth not having an ipod that will shut off in the middle of my workout.
I am done my Christmas shopping early this year. No Christmas Eve shopping for me! The problem is that when you remove the stress of having to buy that ONE big gift for your sig. other…you feel like you have more money to play with. So yes, I went over. Waaaayyy over. Now I just have to come up with the $1000.00 for the tv…damn!
I am happy to report that in the many months since Halloween, the constant veggies and fish and chicken and lack of all things tasting good, have resulted in a (somewhat significant) weight loss. I even got to the point where the trainers nod at me in the gym now. You know those nerd-bombers that are there so often, they start to get to know the staff? I am that guy now! Anyway, my apartment is decorated to the NINES, even though no one will be there to see it Christmas Eve or Day. Instead, I am driving home to Bridgenorth to spend the night with my parents and then Christmas day, we are coming back to Markham to have a big family Christmas Dinner.
Anyway, enjoy the ice-free roads and the warm Christmas cheer. If you are on a diet, let yourself off easy for the holidays because nothing says Christmas like Shortbread cookies, candy canes and turkey. Be safe and enjoy the time off!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
And the best thing about my new ‘healthy eating’ venture is that I am not doing it alone. My partner recently picked up the annoying habit of snoring. I believe it was because he had put on more weight than his body could realistically support. He has a small frame and is 6’0 but weighed nearly 215. His most comfortable weight is around 185. So together we are working on resisting temptation and I am happy to announce he has lost about 10 pounds and has almost stopped snoring. And no cheating. Yet.
I figure it is healthy to have a ‘cheat day’ where we get to have a treat we have been craving, but not until our progress outweighs the risk of reneging. I am dying for a slice of pizza, but I will keep that as the light at the end of my tunnel.
I need a good multi-vitamin that is high quality with lots of B-vitamins….anyone know of a good brand?
Frustrating Story of the Month:
So my dad is an avid hunter. Nothing he shoots goes to waste. If you know anything about deer hunting, you would know that it takes A LOT of work to find, shoot and clean and cook a deer. There is lots of walking through the bush, lots of path making and climbing and waiting and then when you DO shoot one, you have a short period of time to gut and drain a deer to make sure the meat stays fresh and doesn’t get ‘gamey’. You also have to find a way to get the 200-250 pound deer back to the Hunt camp and then hang the deer to drain the blood for several days, so the meat gets tender.
So recently my Dad was hunting at his Hunt camp up near Bobcaygen the son of another hunter came hunting and shot his FIRST deer. It was a prize buck, probably a 10 pointer (antlers) and he was so proud, he was going to get the head stuffed and mounted. Anyway- they went to all the work to get it back to camp and hang it and then in the middle of the night a group of gutless poachers came and STOLE this poor kid’s buck. Just cut it down and dragged it off to whatever fate. One of the idiots even lost his knife that he had used to cut it down. So now all the guys at the camp have no deer to show for all their effort. And the cost of a tag for a buck can cost over $100.00 and you normally only get ONE. So if you hear any stories about jerks that steal deer from hardworking hunters- REPORT THEM!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Ode to October...
The most random and unexpected (consequentially the most interesting) thing that could happen to a person would be for you to be sitting in a restaurant (any old pub and grill) and have every person in the restaurant over the age of 70 (and there are lots) break into song. Some very fashionable 50’s swing music would be best. And you would eat your generic wrap and French fries and enjoy some complex harmonies in the rich baritone of elderly male voices. And then when they finish…you realize you are the only couple in the restaurant not in the old man choir….and so you clap, awkwardly. By no means is this intended to inspire an encore. But it does. So you sit through a few more songs and clap along with the wait staff at the end of each one. Yes, that would be so random and interesting. I wish,…no, WAIT. That DID happen to me…well shucks.
I think the thing I like best about Patrick Ness is (and I will compare him to the power-house writer Stephen King, in this sense) that he isn’t afraid to hurt his reader. To mortally wound them, even. He doesn’t stand by the rules that there is a core group of characters that you don’t touch and that survive at all odds. He breaks your heart and his plot twists are dangerous and unpredictable. There is no such thing as a perfect happy ending with Patrick Ness (and the same applies to Mr. King).
If you have read Stephen King’s ‘Under the Dome’ you know what I mean when I say you come away feeling like you have been riding an intense emotional roller coaster. You feel a little nauseous, a lot exhilarated and a little sad to be done the ride. It is the same feeling I got from Patrick Ness’s three books: The Knife of Never Letting go, The Ask and the Answer and Monsters of Men. These books are classified as Young Adult Fiction, but the writing isn’t fluffy. It is raw and real and I think these books would apply to any and all readers.
Now, on to real life-
I recently used the rest of my 2010 vacation days to go on a road trip with my lovely sister to Kentucky (and I was teased for accidentally spelling it Kuntucky on a Facebook post, but covered it up by saying I was spelling it phonetically with an accent) to visit her friend and brides maid, Misty. In Summary, Kentucky means (for me) Chicken and waffles, ten hour drives, horse races with teens in prom dresses, Khols, cheap gas and sprawling hills. I think the most remarkable thing about Kentucky is the landscape. The high natural rock bridges and the huge old horse ranches. Old money, so old in fact you can tell they still have slave quarters (even though slavery hasn't been practiced there for nearly 100 some odd years). I have so many pictures of horses on acres and acres of land.
And now, a word for MY sponsors:
Dear OSAP,
I owe you lots of money. I really don't think it is in my best interests to pay you back. Ever. The money you fronted me, paid for an education that has gotten me nowhere. I think you should have a clause that says if the education we have gone into debt for, is useless, and never gets us a job earning more than minimum wage- we just call it even. This is because, I wasted 4 years of my life reading about Karl Marx and you wasted 12 grand. Even. Just a suggestion. Mainly because I have to work for a full solid day for free, just to cover the interest you scrape off the top of my bank account each month. Please stop. I am sick of eating chick peas for dinner.
Thank you.
Dear Canadian ...IBC...Bank,
I owe you lots of money. I really don't think it is in my best interests to pay you back. Ever.The money you gave me in a student line of credit, in the amount of $25,000.00 was a lot to give a 21 year old. Most parents barely trust their 21 year olds with a house key- nevermind a down payment on a house. I squandered the money you gave me on a trip to Cuba, a gym membership I didn't use, a new laptop and booze. I did use some of it for school and for rent, but your assumption that I would be able to start paying you back after graduation, with my high-paying, corporate position, was unfounded. I barely make minimum wage and have to work more than a full day, just to pay off the interest you are skimming off my bank account each month. Please stop. I am sick of living in overdraft. The climate there sucks.
Thank you.
Dear Toyota Canada,
Thanks for giving me a car. However, when you did the credit check and found I had a 95% INCOME TO DEBT RATIO, on what basis did you decide I would be a good candidate to drive one of your vehicles? I will gladly drive your car free of charge. I will even put a logo of your choosing on the side, but I cannot pay $200.00 a month on a continual basis. I can realistically afford a few more months of payments and then I will gladly take the car off your hands.
Thank you for your continued support of getting me to work.
Dear Mastercard...s,
I really appreciate all the HBC reward points and Air Miles. However, because of all your great incentives, I cannot be held responsible for the outlandish amount owing on these cards. The temptation really isn't fair. I feel I am being manipulated into buying new curtains and bed sheets, new lamps and baking dishes, books and boots and braziers. I think it is completely reasonable to assume that we are both equally accountable for my debt to you, so let’s say we split it 50/50.
Just in case you’re curious, these items cannot be returned because someone has removed all the tags and lost all the receipts.Thank you for your continued support of keeping me trendy and fashionable.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
With Thanks To Give...
They say you should never introduce new recipes to company. But what if you don’t cook? Then everything is a new recipe. I have no doubt I would be good at cooking because it is in my genes. My mom is an EXCELLENT cook because she has spent years and years perfecting recipes and she is not afraid to take risks. She is so good, in fact, that my dad will ONLY eat her food. If we have potluck, he will gorge himself on her entrée…forget my sister’s yummy potatoes or my fantastic devilled eggs. If my mom didn’t make it, he won’t eat it. He will starve with a table full of food in front of him if it doesn’t have my mom’s signature touches.

For dessert I made an easy….cake thing. It is made with homemade vanilla pudding and whipped cream (together) and layered between a pastry-like salt-less crackers and topped with raspberry pie filling and fresh berries. It was delicious. All of my recipes were good, and will be perfected with time. I could get into this cooking thing. HOWEVER, I was cooking from 12:00 in the afternoon until 5:30 at night. Gah, and it this one dinner racked up a $109.00 grocery bill. And I had to buy a new roasting dish to accommodate the cabbage rolls and THAT was $40.00 buckeroos.
Speaking of delicious foods- Yay for Thanksgiving! Last year I missed my Thanksgiving, which has always been a source of tradition in my family, to go to Stuart’s family dinner. That’s what happens when you are in a serious relationship, sometimes you have to sacrifice time with your own family to have face time with the family of your significant other. This year, I get to commandeer him and bring him to MY Thanksgiving. However, as I have gotten older and our family has expanded, our traditions are changing to accommodate that. This year we will be having Thanksgiving at my family cottage in our little one room cabin with our new stove and new cabinets! Last year, I think they had Thanksgiving at my Parent’s house, while I spent it at Stuarts family home with lots of his relatives. Going from a big family-packed thanksgiving to a small intimate and nature-filled Thanksgiving. It is nice to have both alternatives.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
One Step Closer...

Monday, August 23, 2010
Happy Birthday to ME!

So I finally found the new member of my family. Her name is Sashimi and she is a red Beta. I got her at Pacific Mall (which is chaos by the way- take every bad driver in the world and put them into a single parking lot). It was sort of impromptu fish buying because I was really there to get new glasses.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
When YOU have cramps, blame HIM!

Friday, July 23, 2010
Your Own Estimation...

All my bragging rights have limitations. Do you include those when you discuss them? Here goes: In high school I had the second highest GPA for 3 years running. The girl with the highest was a reeeaal keener. I couldn’t compete, but I enjoy a healthy dose of competition.
In University I made the Deens list two years running- but just by the skin of my teeth. In Elementary School I created the school mascot (Chemong Dragons) which is still on their wall today. Unfortunately I sold out, for $300.00 and they bought the right to it and mass produced it in every way imaginable. I would be famous at that school if I had received some good advice about copyrighting my work. I consider myself to be a good employee. I have been hired after every (real) interview I have had. I work hard to get my work done, but I need a dose of colour in my day that comes in the form of Solitaire (it used to be facebook, but the site is banned by my current employer). I have been fired once and been laid off once and resigned twice (to relocate).
If you have ever been fired, it is the worst feeling in the world. It took me two years to get over it and leave my bitterness on the doorstep on my way to work each morning. I can gladly and honestly say that my being fired was for false reasons (if you have ever had a crooked employer, you know what I mean when I say I was bitter) but I was too exhausted by the drama to fight it and take it to the next step- whatever that might have been-human rights or something. One of my best qualities is my sense of justice. I hate when things aren’t Just. Like when people are set up, or mistreated without cause. I have a feminist streak, but that is only because of some of the injustice that is attached to issues of feminism. I hate that woman still make less than men for doing the same job. Luckily I have a job that stops crooked doctors in their tracks. So I get my dose of Justice from that. Before this, it was from doing police dispatching. No bragging rights there. It was hard work. Lots to learn and even more to tolerate. You get a real sense about people when you work in a place like that. You might learn to hate them or maybe even pitty them. I saw a counselor while I worked there. One of the best decisions I could have made. Pride on the backburner and while keeping up with police confidentiality, it helped me get through the day. Long days. 12 hour shifts and then I would go home and sleep in house with strangers that had no regard for me. Loud music while I slept.
What I am NOT proud of was how I scammed my way through university. Granted, I went to Guelph, but I found school too easy. So easy, in fact, that I found a way to get out of most assignment and exams and…work, while still maintaining a mid 80 average. I have trouble fully applying myself to things that don’t challenge me. I wish I was driven enough to work full steam through those four years, imagine what I could have accomplished. But as it stands I have a BA sitting in my desk drawer at home, that isn’t really a real representation of what I am capable of. And let’s be honest, if I decided to say I have a 4 year honours degree in microbiology with a minor in economics on my resume- would anyone really question it? They might ask ME questions, but I know enough about those fields to bullshit my way through the lie. No, I have never done that, but I have been tempted.
I would say I am generally ‘slightly above average’ in every way. You name it….I got it….slightly above average ha ha. Smarts? Yup! Looks? Yup! Size? Yup! Skilz? Damn straight! At least I am not putting on any airs. I have no allusions about who I am or what my limitations (& Strengths) are. I have a temper and tend to lash out. I hold grudges. At times, my self esteem sucks. I have a jealous streak. I shut down when I have to do math. I am easy distracted by bright or sparkly things. I become obsessively loyal with friends and it always backfires. I deny emotional responses to things. BUT--- and the big but in all this is- love who you are! The grass is always greener on the other side, but that goes for everyone. If you traded places with someone else, you might gain a good attribute or two, but there is no telling what you might lose. Don’t risk it.
All for now loyal blog readers. Tell yourself something nice everyday- if you can’t do it- don’t expect someone else to.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Bye Bye Sushi!

On a random note- the worst thing about being ‘après wedding’ is having to take off your fake nails. Your real nails underneath are always thin and scratchy and they peel and fold and it is like that for WEEKS until they replenish themselves. Every time I take them off I swear to myself I will never get them again, but here I am.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Looking Better=Feeling Worse
Jordana wanted nothing but an outdoor ceremony and when it started to rain the day of the wedding, we all started to get the jitters. It poured ALL DAY and we started getting ready for plan B….which would have been to have the ceremony in the reception hall and move all the tables out of the way and then back for dinner. It would have been messy and disorganized, but thankfully it stopped raining 25 minutes before the ceremony was due to start. Dad was filled with Pride as he walked my sister down the aisle and I held back tears while my sister and (now brother-in-law) said their vows. The ONLY issue was the officiant. Humanist officiants (who are willing to perform marriage ceremonies without religion) are rare and are especially hard to find in the Kawartha region.
There should be NO better or worse attached to weight….it is just a ‘different look’….no better…no worse. Health should be the only place where ‘better’ can be applied, but I will say that even at my heaviest, I was still strong, could still run and considered myself in better shape than most of my thin friends. My health is not the issue.
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wave at the Heat Wave!
This weekend was beautiful. Saturday and Sunday had overcast moments, but Monday was unreal. I am completely sunburned all over my body and loving it! As a surprise, my parents bought a brand new Yamaha Wave Runner for our family. It was an absolute blast. It runs fairly quiet and has enough power to tow us around the lake on tubes and anything else we can find. We attempted using a foam block and a blow up raft (but they both failed miserably).
On top of that, everyone bought fireworks and together we created a professional-grade display. It went on for a couple of minutes and was outstanding in a perfectly black sky, with no light pollution to stunt the show. Unfortunately there was no one on the lake to show it off to, except a couple of canoeists camping on an island, but I somehow think they weren’t overly appreciative of our late night antics.
We stayed up to the early morning, just the six of us around the bonfire, roasting giant marshmallows and listening to the radio while draining the car battery. These are the things you resort to when you only have propane power at the cottage. There was lots of food, a fully stocked bar and even some specialty tequila to spice up the evening…and the morning.
I finally started writing my book.
I only have four or five pages, but it’s a start. It is amazing when you finally start doing something you have been dreaming about doing, it sort of sucks the fun right out of it.
For my sisters wedding I am required to get a spray tan,....and in my experience:

Monday, May 17, 2010
What a Beautiful Fever you Have...

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Kicked down- Back Up for Now......
My sister and her future husband are in Mexico right now....pre- honeymoon. A trip won from work for outstanding...something or other. So what does that mean for me? Puppysitting....ok, well not me, but Stuart. Right now he is sitting in their house, eating their food, using their vehicles and showers and god knows what else, all under the premise of 'dogsitting'. While I am sitting at home, mentally preparing myself for my first day of work tomorrow. Anyway, since being unemployed I don't have many amusing anecdotes to drop into my blog....aside from my last job deducting my office chair from my vacation pay for wear and tear. Yes, I know....ask me about it, amusing story(thus my facebook name- 'kicked when I am down' for the past two weeks).
So until I have something new to add about my life, I will keep this one short and sweet. Until next time, loyal blog readers...
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Ask a Busy Person- But Don't Ask ME!
I got to experience a big family over Easter. My own family is so small and somewhat fragmented. Stuarts family is literally enormous. They get together for birthdays, anniversaries, baptisms, weddings- you name it and they will all come together. Easter dinner was made up of 18 grandparents, aunts, uncles, grandchildren and great grandchildren. I won't say it wasn't fun, but when you grow up with a single Aunt and Uncle and a single cousin, the family events are hardly chaotic. Not to mention it is entirely up to Jordana and I to carry on the family name. At nearly 25, I am the youngest existing member of the Matthews family, or the Humphreys line (Mom's) for that matter. It is amazing how much more magical holidays become when you have little kids to lie to. With Santa, the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy, and leprechauns only whispers in my memory, I can't be blamed if I feel some jealousy towards the young mothers that make up some of my friends. I am not talking 16 & Pregnant here, but early to mid 20's.
So the absolute worst case scenario has come to fruition. Stu and I are both unemployed, with a shitbox for a car, rent looming in the near future, unpaid phone and cable bills and no prospects to speak of. Ok maybe it isn't all that bleak, we have both had interviews recently, but I am not optimistic about the job market at the moment. I just don't want to be added to the pool of well education twenty somethings being forced to work in retail stores and liquor stores and grocery stores. I will be the first to spout my opinion about education inflation and how jobs that didn't used to require a university education, now ask for it, AND THEN SOME.
But I am not willing to go back to school. I am done. Worn out. bled dry of brain power. Maybe not that much. I found university stupid-simple. Overrated. But I simply won't front the cash for another useless, pointless 2 year diploma or certificate. I already have enough debt to speak for. And what did it buy me? Unemployment, with credentials to buy me a sweet secretarial position. The LIQUOR STORE would offer better benefits. I know guys with excellent degrees that are being wasted. Why? BECAUSE EVERYONE HAS ONE! University degrees are a dime a dozen. Why hire someone with a U. Degree when you can hire a person with an MBA or a Doctorate. They are in the same boat. My sister, who works in a big corporation says they are hiring MBA's for $30,000 per year salaried positions. BECAUSE THEY CAN! These guys have my sympathy. Instead of my thirty thousand of debt, they have sixty and seventy thousand dollars hanging over their heads.
What is the solution? Sure, they can make entrance into Universities and Colleges more difficult (leaving the poor kids with mid seventy grades to work in the department stores and Mac Milks). But that wouldn't be all that fair either. University just shouldn't be made the logical path for EVERYONE after High School. There is a real demand for Trade workers in the economy. Learn a trade and you an make some sweet cash. Right now though, education isn't about the smartest and brightest students getting the highest level of education. It is really about how wealthy you are. If you can afford that MBA then you are ahead of the game. Sure we the government spouts equality and equal opportunity, but this is still a world where the Rich get Richer and the poor get poorer and the middle class are still treading water. So Richie Rich gets the education, even though he is a puddle, and ends up making tons of cash. Is he the best for the job? Absolutely not. But since when was the world fair? The best guy for the job almost never gets it.
So as it stands, I will keep putting out my resume for positions I am under qualified for and Stu will keep doing the same. As my dream of a new car fades, I will use this new free time for self betterment! BAH! Ok, I will tell myself I will work out more, paint and maybe send more letters, but I have learned that the less you have to do, the less you accomplish. They say if you want something done, ask a busy person. SO....don't ask me :)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
March Sadness, not Madness