Anyway, that’s my deep thought for the day. I have a Doctor’s appointment tonight after work. Unfortunately I got booked for an 11 hour day (I hope by accident), during which time I need to be fasting. YOU try to run a clinic on zero calories and less sleep. I am lo
oking into a diagnosis for the ugly hump between my shoulder blades. Ironically, they call it a buffalo hump. That’s like, a medical term…or at least medical slang (reminiscent of Rhinoplasty, for nose surgery). Why can’t they call it something nice, like …ok, well there is no nice way to describe a hunchback. So I had a couple of the Chiropractors I work with, take a look and they told me to go see my GP and ask to be tested for ‘Cushing’s Disease’ or any of the like syndromes. Essentially, the cut and dry of it is that it makes you produce too much cortisol (a stress hormone that makes you gain weight). It is a difficult disease to treat, with a laundry list of ugly symptoms…many of which I can check yes beside. To be honest, being someone who has been fighting a weight problem for 3-4 years now, I feel like this diagnosis might offer me a bit of solace for my lack of success. That if the reason for my consistent weight gain isn’t that I am lazy or ineffectual in the gym, I might be less hard on myself about it.

So I saw my GP and he agreed that I am displaying several symptoms that would indicate a growth on my pituitary gland. So today is blood tests and cortisol tests. Tomorrow morning is another cortisol test. And then, if all of my tests indicate a problem- then I move up to specialists and cat scans. So we’ll see. I don’t want to give the impression that I am hoping for this diagnosis, because I am not. It can have dire consequences, like infertility and death. But like that TLC show ‘Mystery Diagnosis’ where people battle symptoms of obscure diagnosis and see tons of doctors (like I have) and they are just relieved when they finally get an answer.
GREYS ANATOMY starts tonight! Unfortunately, I will probably be sitting in a doctor’s office when it airs, twiddling my thumbs…or touching medical instruments. Licking all the tongue sticks and tossing cotton balls around the room. They have big signs posted everywhere ‘NO CELLPHONE USE IN CLINIC’ – Fine! I will just fondle all your things! Last time I was waiting in that stuffy little room with recycled air for an hour and a half. I even read a booklet on the 10 benefits of breast feeding. I turned the examination table light on and then couldn’t turn it off…and had that moment of panic, thinking the doctor would come in and see me wrestling with the lamp and kick me out before listening to what I have to say. Luckily I managed to unplug it before he came in.
Stuart and I will be celebrating the end of six years together this Friday. Our 6 year Anniversary! Which means we will be into our 7th year together. Lucky number 7. Or the 7 year itch. I guess we will have to wait and see which one it is. It seems like an awful long time to be with one person. But I will say that when you get the opportunity to get to know a person that well, you can't become complacent because even when you think you know everything there is to know about a person, they can surprise you. Stuart surprises me a LEAST once a month, which is good because it keeps me on my toes and reminds me that we are ever growing, ever evolving.
Human being are remarkably adaptable creatures. We went from living 40 years to 100 years and we are learning to live with each other for longer periods of time. I was watching the TV show 'I SURVIVED' which is about people that overcome deadly situations that should have killed them. People can be vicious and really evil to each other. which sometimes makes me wonder if we are truly social animals. Are we meant to live in packs? But then I come home and realize that when you find another person you want to share your life with (nevermind how long and torturous it might be), you couldn't imagine it any other way.