I got a new job.
I don't want to risk a description though and 'out' my job. It is sort of like being pregnant. You don't tell anyone until you have been there for at least 3 months. I am nervous. Nothing like being laid off and losing a job to shake your confidence in your abilities. I may have gotten this job too soon. I don't necessarily feel ready to put on a happy face and dive back in. My brain needs a rest and I guess a couple weeks just doesn't cut it. To be honest, I thought my interview skills were a little rusty. I had a couple awkward silences, but apparently they went unnoticed.
I may be able to get my car after all. As for all that self betterment I said I was going to do, nothing like a little bit of borderline depression to squash those ambitions. I have spent most of my time being unemployed inhaling empty calories and lying in bed, catching up on my reading. 
So I have been attempting to come up with ideas for my sisters bachelorette/shower. So far I have margarita mix and a penis cake tin. I was going to go all out and go strippers, but I have been informed that women don't always like staring at other naked women. So....transvestite showgirls? Here is my long labour of love- my invitation graphic. I had to cut out each stripper individually...hat and cactus too. Took friggen forever.
My sister and her future husband are in Mexico right now....pre- honeymoon. A trip won from work for outstanding...something or other. So what does that mean for me? Puppysitting....ok, well not me, but Stuart. Right now he is sitting in their house, eating their food, using their vehicles and showers and god knows what else, all under the premise of 'dogsitting'. While I am sitting at home, mentally preparing myself for my first day of work tomorrow. Anyway, since being unemployed I don't have many amusing anecdotes to drop into my blog....aside from my last job deducting my office chair from my vacation pay for wear and tear. Yes, I know....ask me about it, amusing story(thus my facebook name- 'kicked when I am down' for the past two weeks).
So until I have something new to add about my life, I will keep this one short and sweet. Until next time, loyal blog readers...