Thought of the day-
If 'Shorts' are only called shorts because they are an abbreviation for 'short pants' then how come if you were to say to someone- "hey nice short pants!" - they would look at you like you were crazy. Or if you asked someone what 'short pants' looked like- they would most likely think Capri's or puddle jumpers (you know those pants....that are too Small......or short....for jumping in puddles? Cuz adults do that). So then maybe 'shorts' are like their own thing. Not 'short pants'. Just like a T-shirt is it's own thing. Not just a shirt shaped like a T. Because then that gives you the idea that the ideal form of a shirt is one with long sleeves. Like it is the base form. Or that pants must have long legs to be 'pants'. On another note- why don't freezers have a light too? I mean if I were the type to wake up in the night for a snack...I would go for ice cream for sure! But who wants to fumble around in the freezer in the dark, grasping for containers?
So today is my birthday. Is it just me or do birthdays sort of mimic valentines day? You go into it with high expectations and always end up disappointed. There won't be a room full of people and balloons when you get home from work. There likely won't be a cake waiting on the table for you and the gifts you get (even if they are amazing) will always leave something to be desired.
I am 24 years old. Ever since I turned 12 I have been telling everyone I was one year older then I am. My logic was that when you turn 12 you are in your 13th year of life- so you can say you are at 13....not 12- because when we are born, we start at 0, not 1. So we are technically a year older then we think we are. Anyway, that aside- this is the first year where I am not pushing the envelope. I am 24. That's it. Not 25 this year. This is like the golden year (with a side of oxidization) where you no longer feel like a kid. I didn't even know that I had crossed that invisible line. But the more people I ask, it seems it is common knowledge that up until 23 you can still be considered a youth. A kid, fresh out of university with their whole life before them....but NOT 24. I am laughing because it sounds ridiculous, but seriously. This is the year of mortgages and marriages and finances and financing. It is at 24 when women start really planning their future and looking at the possibility of children. You are in your mid 20's for god sake. You will be until you are 26. Up until 23 you were still in your early 20's.
My birthday is also bitter sweet for another reason. It marks the end of the summer. There is only ever 1 more weekend until I would have to go back to school, or start new classes, start digging out the fall sweaters. I am hoping that since the summer was so wet and cool, that this September and October will stay warm to make up for it. Before we know it, thanksgiving will be here and we will be crunching our way through leaf-littered side walks. I have got to get what fishing I can in before the season ends. I have already beat my record this summer at the cottage by catching a muskie. It was HUGE. Or so I say. Stu might say otherwise because he is jealous.
My family also only has so long until the brand new Jetski my parents bought a week ago (much to my grandmother's dis
may), has to be put away for the season. * GASP* what next? Plumbing? SEPTIC?

I think it's time for an update. Cottages everywhere now have mobile Internet- cell phone service, running water. I remember the days of using a bag phone to order Chinese from the cottage- less then 10km up the road. We STILL have outhouses. We only just got the idea to spray the cabins for bugs to get rid of the mites... I understand the nostalgia of having old cabins that have been in your family for years- I do! But updating finishes and furniture and amenities doesn't take away from the old time quality of the place. It makes it more useable. User-friendly!
My Granny obviously is well into her 80's and won't let the 'magic of horseshoe' be touched or tainted until she is long gone (which nobody wants), but I tell you want I do want- water that I don't have to pump out of the faucet. Bunk beds that you don't fear will crush you in the middle of the night. Toilets you don't fear something will bite your ass where you sit. Only time and....financing (there's that word again) will tell. Until next time....