Thought of the day-
What is this Twitter anyway?
I swear. I added it. I gave it a go. I even added Spencer Pratt to my list of those I follow. But honestly? Who cares what celebrities are doing every hour on the hour. I use facebook for most of my status updates anyway and what is twitter but the 'status' function without the help of pictures and applications to move you along? Seems like an utter waste of time to me. I have a single follower. Someone who probably thought I was someone else. I had a dream that all the same people that have me on facebook added me on twitter. Most of these people don't talk to me, so what do they care if I am 'having a good day' or 'bought a rug' or am 'going to the grocery store'. Sorry Twitter, but I think I'll stick with Facebook. It is just one more site to get addicted to. I think I will leave it for the Americans. It seems to be more their thing anyway...
So I managed to drag Stuart to Ikea with me to buy an area rug. I swore up and down that I wouldn't dawdle and would have narrow vision all the way to the rug department. Needless to say we left with some scissors, a bag holder, two plants, two planters, a beach towel and a rug. Sorry Stu. What do you expect a girl to do when it is her second time in a huge store like ikea where every direction has tasteful colours and is a trap.
Sadly, today I sent my resignation letter to the Guelph Police. No more dispatching for me :( it is probably for the best though because last time I worked a night shift for them about 5 months ago, the station had new phone and computer systems and I didn't know how to work anything and none of my passwords and sign ins worked. Despite my sadness at not being able to work with my favorite cops at the cop shop- I won't miss the 1am and 2am phone calls asking me to come in for shifts the following morning. Either will my mom.

The police community has such strong solidarity that you can't help but feel you are part of something special; some secret society that no one outside of the station is privy to. I realize that I wasn't a police officer, but we get treated like them inside the station and a very wise dispatcher once told me "police dispatchers tell police where to go.." so therefore without us they might never get there to save lives and break up fights and whatever other horrors can emerge on a University campus in the dead of night. The thing I will miss MOST is wearing the little headset. That's right.
So ...New Gym. Coed. Men...sweaty. Working out beside me. Distractions. I have been once. lol. I am so used to a woman's only that I forgot what it is like to be female working out with men. Even if you are ugly, they stare at you. Frig....makes you want to work out harder though because you know they are measuring you up. Bah! All for now, loyal blog readers- if there are any?